"Have you tried Atom?" #RuinADateInFourWords
Have gone to the dark side temporarily: Atom handles my ES6 better than BBEdit currently. ?
But it's not quite right, so I fix. Atom configuration is a bit of a mess, but everything-is-a-plugin is a good philosophy.
- One Dark UI & One Dark syntax themes are OK. But for crazy-go-nuts, install ubik-neon-syntax, and atom-material-ui. Goddamn this makes me want a bottle of Jolt Cola and an Information Society CD blasting on endless repeat.
- install logo-file-icons, garish but the more popular file-icons is bland and ugly.
- install symbols-list, because the default symbols tool doesn't find new-style classes.
- install eslint, because nobody writes JavaScript good, even me after 20 years of it.
- install atom-mac-terminal, gives you an "Open in Terminal" right-click.
packages, linter, settings, turn off "Lint On Change", because that slows down an already slow editor.
packages, autocomplete-plus, settings, turn off "Show Suggestions On Keystroke". Ctrl-Space is fine. I learned to touch-type on an IBM Selectric, so I type faster than JS can autocomplete anything but a very long constant.
% atom ~/.atom/styles.less
and add:/* scroll bars should be grabbable */ .scrollbars-visible-always { /deep/ ::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 20px; height: 20px; } } /* turn off all that folding folderol */ atom-text-editor.editor .icon-right { width: 0 !important; } /* make the gutters different from text so I can see indentation */ atom-text-editor.editor .gutter { border-right: #222222 1px solid; background-color: #111111; } /* ubik-hackerman-syntax has overly dark functions, was #133460 */ .theme-ubik-hackerman-syntax .syntax--entity.syntax--name.syntax--function, .theme-ubik-hackerman-syntax .syntax--support.syntax--function { color: #4f6db4; font-weight: bold; } /* ubik-hackerman-syntax recolors the semantic class of arguments to functions; I want types to be colored the same in or out of a function call. */ .theme-ubik-hackerman-syntax .syntax--arguments, .theme-ubik-hackerman-syntax .syntax--meta.syntax--function-call { color: unset; }
- (new 2017-06-10)
% atom ~/.atom/keymap.cson
(why is there no UI for keymapping?!) and add:# I hate editors & other long-term applications closing by instinctive Cmd-Q 'body': 'cmd-alt-ctrl-shift-q': 'application:quit' 'cmd-q': 'pane:close'
- (new 2017-06-10)
% atom ~/.atom/snippets.cson
(why is there no UI for snippets?!) and add:'.source.js': 'module.exports': 'prefix': 'me' 'body': '''module.exports = { $1 }; '''
Open issues:
- I can't find a package to get rid of tabs and only badge/color open files in the tree view.
- Regex field is unbearably small. I often copy over to BBEdit, do a big regex there, copy back.
- To figure out any style element to customize, you have to open developer mode ⌘⌥I and pick the element and find the exact right style from a mess of styles. A lifetime writing HTML & CSS pays off in customizing a fucking editor; if you're not me, you're probably stuck with it. BBEdit lets you customize styles right there in Preferences. At least atom-material-ui has a couple choices for accent colors.
- I wrote this post in BBEdit. Atom has a Markdown preview, but it's awkward and far slower.