- My Scheme Stuff:
- Category: Scheme: My blog posts on Scheme.
- scheme-test-unit: My unit test runner for SRFI-64.
- A Schemer in Common Lisp Land: Notes/comparison to Common Lisp.
- Information:
- Scheme Wiki: Everything you wanted to know about Scheme, maintained by the community.
- SRFI archive: All of the standard libraries.
- IRC: #scheme on libera.chat
- Planet Scheme
- Scheme Modules Example
- Every Scheme impl has a totally incompatible way to organize programs and load modules. So I've been reworking the same trivial example for each of them.
- Chez
- Chibi
- Chicken
- Gambit
- Gauche (Gosh)
- MIT Scheme
- Racket
- Books:
- The Scheme Programming Language: Excellent tutorial book for programmers, uses Chez Scheme or any R6RS
- SICP: Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs
- SICP Lectures: Highly recommend watching these, then doing the book chapter which will be more current but less lively.
- Implementations (That I Use):
- Chez Scheme: One of the fastest Schemes, requires a runtime blob, very limited libraries, fantastic REPL with inline editing, R6RS version.
- Chicken Scheme: Fairly slow compiler & interpreter, compiles to adequately fast native binaries, enormous library selection, shitty low-tech REPL, R5RS/R7RS hybrid.
- Gambit Scheme: Old, currently maintained, very fast, R7RS with some quirks. Good support for native FFI.
- Gerbil Scheme: Reasonably fast, compiles to fast native binaries, limited library selection, adequate REPL, R7RS + new object model.
- Gauche: Runs OK, but on every platform, and good library selection including GUIs. My go-to for scripting across different machines.
- (many many more are listed on the Scheme Wiki)
- Libraries:
- Thunderchez: Essential libraries for Chez Scheme
- Akku: General library/package manager
- Snow Fort: R7RS
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