Many Coffee Machines on Ix. New Machines.

My new coffee buddy, Ninja CF087. I can't be trusted to make french press first thing in the morning. 4 size settings by 4 brew densities, and a timer, for $99 at Bed Space Above & Beyond. Also, comes with a milk frother and a 135-page book of recipes for coffee drinks and foods. That's a dangerous way to feed my habit.

First half-pot on "rich" is only ★★★½☆, drinkable and strong but not the tastiest, but that's as much because I'm at the tail end of a bag of beans. I think it'll be better with new beans.

It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
It is by the beans of Java that thoughts acquire speed,
The hands acquire shakes,
The shakes become a warning,
It is by caffeine alone I set my mind in motion.
—Mentat scribe Mark Stein
