
Dear White People

Watching "Dear White People" because I want to empathize with the Kids Today™. Cute black girl is racking up a shitload of FCC fines by saying "shit" on her college radio show. Also, reel-to-reels haven't been a thing for 30 years.
Note: I am a former college radio DJ.

"You do realize all we do is complain about things! It is as though Americans would have no identity if not for their near-constant outrage. I know so much about what you don't like, what do you all like, eh?"
"Breakfast for dinner?"
"Waller house has breakfast for dinner."
"Mm-hmm. Omelets, things like that. A good scramble, maybe avocado!"
"See, we like stuff!"

PERFECT. Racial divide bridged forever.

I just saw a man wearing a bluetooth earpiece, jabbering away to the air about a meeting and the family of his schizophrenic hallucination^W^W phone caller, and I realized I prefer the horrible nightmare future we've ended up in to the '90s/'00s where that guy still lives.

Tower of Babel

Ugly shit from my package.json:

 "scripts": {
    "start": "electron .",
    "build": "rm -rf build && babel app -d build/app && cp -R assets package.json build && cp app/*.html build/app && cd build && npm install --only=prod && cd ..",
    "dist-mac": "electron-packager build --out=dist --asar --overwrite --icon './assets/i/appicon.icns' --platform=darwin",
    "dist-linux": "electron-packager build --out=dist --asar --overwrite --icon './assets/i/appicon-256.png' --platform=linux",
    "dist-windows": "electron-packager build --out=dist --asar --overwrite --icon './assets/i/appicon.ico' --platform=win32",
    "dist-all": "npm run dist-mac && npm run dist-linux && npm run dist-windows",
    "dist-help": "electron-packager --help 2>&1 |less"

So I wanted to filter my source through babel-minify.

Build out to a "build" dir… and everything breaks. Copy in assets, package, HTML files… "Missing module". Turns out known issue, closed but I don't see an actual solution: Nuking & reinstalling my node_modules did nothing, and I have latest stable versions (maybe "stable" is the problem?) of everything.

As a brute-force Hulk-smash solution, shoving that "npm install" in the build script works, and is easier than figuring out what I should change.