
AIM is being shut down and the Kids Today™ are sad. LiveJournal was driven under by Facebook, then bought by Russians and murdered for being gay. ICQ is still going, but nobody uses it. I miss USENET 🙁 . Blogs & blogrings were killed by Twitter but some of us are posting again.

Programmer, Interrupted

So I sit down to code, and get maybe 30 minutes in, and BAM, interruption. Sit back down and growl and swear a lot, get back into the zone, and BAM, another interruption. Growl, gonna go play games where I murder people.

So here's today's music:

Aside: Posted this with the client, which now does long posts. I went into the WP dashboard to add categories, but it'd be just fine for most blogging.

The Real World

People who think the "Real World" matters and care how much they "made a difference" just weird me out.

Electrons are a real part of the world, too.

You will die and your persona & works will be forgotten. Humans will go extinct, possibly quite soon. In a billion years the Sun will burn the Earth to a cinder.

There are, as you know, no gods or souls.

So it's OK to fuck around and do nothing productive, make art for no purpose. Because nothing matters, you can do anything.