
Dear White People

Watching "Dear White People" because I want to empathize with the Kids Today™. Cute black girl is racking up a shitload of FCC fines by saying "shit" on her college radio show. Also, reel-to-reels haven't been a thing for 30 years.
Note: I am a former college radio DJ.

"You do realize all we do is complain about things! It is as though Americans would have no identity if not for their near-constant outrage. I know so much about what you don't like, what do you all like, eh?"
"Breakfast for dinner?"
"Waller house has breakfast for dinner."
"Mm-hmm. Omelets, things like that. A good scramble, maybe avocado!"
"See, we like stuff!"

PERFECT. Racial divide bridged forever.

I just saw a man wearing a bluetooth earpiece, jabbering away to the air about a meeting and the family of his schizophrenic hallucination^W^W phone caller, and I realized I prefer the horrible nightmare future we've ended up in to the '90s/'00s where that guy still lives.

Tower of Babel

Ugly shit from my package.json:

 "scripts": {
    "start": "electron .",
    "build": "rm -rf build && babel app -d build/app && cp -R assets package.json build && cp app/*.html build/app && cd build && npm install --only=prod && cd ..",
    "dist-mac": "electron-packager build --out=dist --asar --overwrite --icon './assets/i/appicon.icns' --platform=darwin",
    "dist-linux": "electron-packager build --out=dist --asar --overwrite --icon './assets/i/appicon-256.png' --platform=linux",
    "dist-windows": "electron-packager build --out=dist --asar --overwrite --icon './assets/i/appicon.ico' --platform=win32",
    "dist-all": "npm run dist-mac && npm run dist-linux && npm run dist-windows",
    "dist-help": "electron-packager --help 2>&1 |less"

So I wanted to filter my source through babel-minify.

Build out to a "build" dir… and everything breaks. Copy in assets, package, HTML files… "Missing module". Turns out known issue, closed but I don't see an actual solution: Nuking & reinstalling my node_modules did nothing, and I have latest stable versions (maybe "stable" is the problem?) of everything.

As a brute-force Hulk-smash solution, shoving that "npm install" in the build script works, and is easier than figuring out what I should change.


So first, and most importantly, never reuse passwords, no matter how trivial. Eventually any company will screw up or be hacked, and your password exposed, and then someone can try it on every other site.

Second, use a password manager for every password. I use 1Password, but other options are available. Don't write passwords on paper, unless that paper is stored in a safe (and then where do you store the combination?). Never write your passwords on a whiteboard! Never speak your passwords aloud!

Third, use a strong password, not 12345. 1Password will offer to generate a three-word password for you. I take that and often modify it, then save.

Fourth, keep your password vault safe: Put a good password (not just a number code) on your phone, always lock it and set it to autolock immediately, put a good password on 1Password, memorize that, write it NOWHERE.

Fifth, secure your devices. TouchID is a great convenience and a "tinsel lock" to keep semi-honest people from poking around in your phone, but it can be used against your will. When I go out, I turn off TouchID so pigs or other armed criminals can't force me to unlock my phone, and from there get to my password vault. If it's on, you can restart the iPhone quickly by holding power and home, and then TouchID is turned off.

On your computer, 1Password should always ask for a password, but it's also a good idea to lock the screen whenever you're away from it. On the Mac, open Keychain Access with Spotlight, Preferences, turn on "Show keychain status in menu bar". Now you can just click the lock in the menu bar, Lock Screen, and you're safe.

So you end up with defense in depth here: A strong unique password on each site. A secure password vault. And a secure device holding that vault. That's not paranoia, it's how you secure your data.