Tag: music
Cautiously Cat Stevens Saturday Music
After 46 years of mediocrity, conversion to a death cult, and hate for everyone who liked his work and didn't convert to his death cult, he's behaving like a person again? Maybe the disease is in remission. Given his previous behavior, I'm not super happy about giving him money even on streaming, but the old albums were amazing, and I miss that guy.
- Matthew and Son - 1967
- New Masters - 1967
- Tea for the Tillerman - 1970
- Teaser and the Firecat - 1971
- The Laughing Apple - 2017
Programmer, Interrupted
So I sit down to code, and get maybe 30 minutes in, and BAM, interruption. Sit back down and growl and swear a lot, get back into the zone, and BAM, another interruption. Growl, gonna go play games where I murder people.
- Programmer, Interrupted
- Why You Can't Work at Work, by Jason Fried - video, but watch it.
So here's today's music:
- Escape From Noise, by Negativland - me & my friends listened to this album so many times in college it's completely wired into my head.
Aside: Posted this with the micro.blog client, which now does long posts. I went into the WP dashboard to add categories, but it'd be just fine for most blogging.
Paranoid Thursday Music
- Lilith 3.2, by Battery
- Cut, by Golden Earring
- Somebody's Watching Me, by Rockwell
- Lost Alone, by mind.in.a.box
- For the Sake of the Naked, by Naked Ape - seriously, I had to get this on MySpace? MySpace still exists?
Monday Music at Summer's End
Thursday Music for Mass Murder
Tuesday Music at the Night Club
Oracle Murders Solaris
For those unaware, Oracle laid off ~ all Solaris tech staff yesterday in a classic silent EOL of the product.
—Simon Phipps
Solaris was a better server and development platform than anything else (OK, after HPUX and SunOS reached EOL), but getting management to spend money up front was always a massive battle. SUN did themselves no favors by going back and forth with SPARC and x86, and getting a freebie OpenSolaris running was a challenge.
But now the world runs servers on piece of shit free-as-in-freebase-heroin Linux, paying fedora-wearing dipshits at DeadRat for "support" consisting of "no, you go fuck yourself".
This future has been brought to you by lawyers and the lowest bidder.
I'm too bummed out to make a playlist for today, so here's a couple of Apple's: