All my little software tools, things that don't belong on the Software Gallery.
- BasicSS: Basic Games in Scheme.
- Bookmarklets: Little scripts to run in your browser. Monochrome Dark & Light, View Source, Birbsite.
- ImageUtil: Java command-line image-processing utility.
- Learn2JS: Skeleton for quickly building JS applications. As close as modern tech can get to a BASIC "READY" prompt!
- Notes Export
- Pindesk: Set your desktop with bulletin board items!
- Runes: Text filter to convert ASCII sequences into nice Unicode or emoji.
- StupidComments.css: For Safari, a CSS stylesheet to hide stupid comments on the Internet. Unzip, read the instructions in the css file. [updated 2022-12-01]
- ThoughtPy: Markdown-based command-line note-taking tool.
- Toc.js: Table of Contents for HTML documents.
- Utility/Filter/Basic2List: Filter utility for writing BASIC on your desktop, porting to microcomputers.
Antique (old but usable):
- JICB 1.12: Cross-platform Java client for the ICB chat network, with a nice little scripting system.
- RealCalc: Just a sample Object Pascal program.
- ThoughtPad: Java note-taking tool.
Obsolete (not usable):
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