Tag: music
Apple Music
Sort of agreed. Certainly I use it every day and link all my music to it, since that's the easiest way to get a high-quality stream of most every song ever recorded (80% coverage? Based on my somewhat eclectic tastes).
The 3 mixes are doing better, but my daily playlists are now almost exclusively Rock Hits: 1970-1990, Tears Go By, rarely one more curated list, Metal Meets Industrial is today's.
The album choices are far better, a good mix of blues, metal, old rock, and industrial. Since I listen to Howlin' Wolf, today it suggested Bad News is Coming, by Luther Allison, which is pretty goddamned good, I didn't know the man before.
And since they buried Connect instead of putting it on the front page, far fewer bands bother to post to it. Some Shonen Knife merch and 1-2 posts a week from Apple Music {genre}. This is a travesty, they had a real shot at connecting bands to the audience (like Ping, without the distraction of other people with dubious musical taste) and have so far squandered it.

Monday Music, All Zombie Edition
- Hellbilly Deluxe, by Rob Zombie
- Sinister Urge, by Rob Zombie
- Hellbilly Deluxe 2 Special Edition, by Rob Zombie
- Venemous Rat Regeneration Vendor, by Rob Zombie
- Electric Warlock Acid Witch Satanic Orgy Celebration Dispenser, by Rob Zombie
Been reading a lot of math-heavy research all morning, and Rob's helped me work through my anger. So now I'm ready to start some shit.
Sunday Music
Kids Today™
But A) I'm 3x their age and use my phone more, B) Throwing someone's phone is assault and destruction of $600 property, not a funny anecdote to end an article, and C) Teenage Suicide Don't Do It (now your Saturday Music)
Friday Music
- Silk Degrees, by Boz Scaggs - slow things down a bit. We'll pick back up tomorrow.
Thursday Music
- Scent of a Robot, by Pete Miser - not on the Apple Music, but anyway you gotta see the video.
- Depression Era Thinking, by Pete Miser - new album!
Apple's Large Project Around Autonomous Systems
- Tim Cook says Apple is working on a ‘large project’ around autonomous systems
- Starbucks To Begin Sinister 'Phase Two' Of Operation
"In three years, Cyberdyne will become the largest supplier of
military computer systems. All stealth bombers are upgraded with
Cyberdyne computers, becoming fully unmanned. Afterwards, they fly
with a perfect operational record. The Skynet Funding Bill is passed.
The system goes online August 4th, [2017]. Human decisions are removed
from strategic defense. Skynet begins to learn at a geometric rate. It
becomes self-aware at 2:14 a.m. Eastern time, August 29th. In a panic,
they try to pull the plug."
—Terminator 2: Judgement Day
And there's Wednesday Music, too:
Tuesday Music
Monday Music
In honor of Rick & Morty:
- Mad Max soundtrack - by astrophysicist & rock star Brian May
- Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome soundtrack
They always said that the living would envy the dead.