Haunted by the Past Tuesday Music

Science Fiction & Saturday Music

  • Humble Bundle Adventures in Science Fiction Books: Runs until Oct18, and everything in this that I've read (Anderson, Bear, Brunner, Ellison, Foster, Silverberg, Steele, Sterling, Swanwick) is excellent, and I'm enjoying Sergei Lukyanenko's1 The Genome enormously. They've picked what looks like an all-good-stuff collection.

Saturday Music is a little spacey.

  1. I adore the Night Watch books; but because of what they say, or because they're bound up in memories of rainy nights in Seattle reading at all-night cafés and public transit, very like the Moskva of the books? The first movie is great, but only about half the first book; the sequel movies are dire, some of the worst hatchet-jobs of adaptations I've ever seen.