Rock 'n Roll Monday Music

There's several other new albums I've liked this month, just weirds me out to have more than a few new albums per year that I gave a shit about. Not to be that cranky old guy #getoffmylawn, but seriously, Kids Todayâ„¢ don't listen to real music, so did all us olds just start listening again? Of course, one of those above is dead, and some others are so close you may as well put them in their coffins and start kicking in clods. But Chrissy Hynde's still kicking ass and breaking hearts.

Cautiously Cat Stevens Saturday Music

After 46 years of mediocrity, conversion to a death cult, and hate for everyone who liked his work and didn't convert to his death cult, he's behaving like a person again? Maybe the disease is in remission. Given his previous behavior, I'm not super happy about giving him money even on streaming, but the old albums were amazing, and I miss that guy.