Thursday Music for Mass Murder
Tuesday Music at the Night Club
Cruel Saturday Music
Our Illiterate Nation
Many Americans are devoted readers of Scripture: More than a third (37%) say they read the Bible or other Holy Scriptures at least once a week, not counting worship services. But Americans as a whole are much less inclined to read other books about religion. Nearly half of Americans who are affiliated with a religion (48%) say they “seldom” or “never” read books (other than Scripture) or visit websites about their own religion, and 70% say they seldom or never read books or visit websites about other religions.
—Pew 2010 U.S. Religious Knowledge Survey
Chaotic Wednesday Music
Sexy Friday Music
Wednesday Music Loves '80s Glam
- Duran Duran, by Duran Duran
- Adolescent Sex, by Japan
- Pleasure Victim, by Berlin
- Promise, by Gene Loves Jezebel
- The Hurting, by Tears for Fears
- In the Garden, by Eurythmics
And while you're listening, why not reread Less Than Zero (don't watch the shitty movie, they just took the title and some character names) and American Psycho (do watch the partially-shitty movie, if only for the Huey Lewis scene, which is how I will always remember Jared Leto).
Here in the post-apocalyptic shithole of the 2010s, nothing's lit in neon, I can't get music videos on MTV or cheap, pure cocaine from trustworthy Colombianos, and I blame the Republicans.
Saturday Music has No Mercy for the Masses
Thursday Music Thinks It's the Future
- Where Tradition Meets Tomorrow, by Jonathan Coulton
"Cause it's gonna be the future soon
And I won't always be this way
When the things that make me weak and strange
Get engineered away" —Jonathan Coulton, "The Future Soon" - I Shall Exterminate Everything Around Me That Restricts Me from Being the Master, by Electric Six
- At Apogee, by Mr Smolin — really just for "At Apogee" and "The Earth Keeps Turning On".