I think the writer (probably some thin-skinned, traitorous Southerner) has a sarcastic motive, but I agree with all these policies and want my AC on Tierra del Fuego (current weather 2ºC, mostly cloudy!) at all times.
Author: mdhughes
"I Really Hate Twitter"
"I really hate Twitter. It was once promising, and I feel like it still does some good, but on balance, it enables harassment and evil and cruelty at least as much if not more than it helps things change for the better. I feel like it has broken our society, and wrecked our social contract. I feel like the board at Twitter, and its CEO, Jack Dorsey, know this, but they’re too busy profiting from their inaction to care. May history judge them all the way they deserve."
— Wil Wheaton
Yeah. Long dull biographical anecdote aside, his point about Twitter is dead on. I've "only" got a couple thousand people I like there, not Wil's millions, but it bugs me that anyone stays.
I feel like they're stuck in some Soviet gulag and I'm betraying them by not staying in the gulag with them, but that's fucking insane. They should be happy I got out, and I should be setting up fake passports and apartments in the Free World for them.
If you need help getting out, read my Post-Facebook Microblogging post, and email me if you need more help.
Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius
In a short story called “Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius,” Jorge Luis Borges describes the discovery of a strange book. Written in an arcane language, the book seems to be one volume of an encyclopedia of another world, intriguingly unlike the world of everyday reality. The world of the volume rapidly becomes a universal obsession: scholarly journals were devoted to it, people begin to dress and act in ways suggested by the volume. So compelling are the glimpses of the world revealed by the volume that its reality finally crowds out our own, and the world becomes the world of Tlon.
The volume you are holding in your hands is the volume Borges had in mind.
—Michael Swaine, preface to Dr Dobb's Journal Vol 09
Bullet for Sunday Music
Xanadu Hypertext from the Future
In DDJ Jan 1983, there's an article:
"The Xanadu Hypertext System is a real and currently available product which can manage multiple differing versions of a single document."
Roger Gregory, "XANADU Hypertext from the Future"
Here in the actual future, this may come as some surprise, since Ted Nelson and Roger Gregory were never able to ship a usable version of Xanadu, as noted in the Wired postmortem; there's a viewer on Xanadu.com with no real editor or import/export system.
Computer dreams without substance, without actual working code.
In DDJ Apr 1983, Gregory files a "Mea no culpa" where he throws Chip Morningstar (of Habitat fame; Habitat did ship) under the bus.
This is great, 35-year-old tech industry drama beats current shit any day.
Dr Dobb's Journal of Computer Calisthenics & Orthodontia
DDJ, especially the run 1984 to 2000-ish, is how I learned C and assembly, and much of my attitude towards software.
These days I read PragPub ed. by Michael Swaine of DDJ infamy, though it's more architect/software manager-oriented than in-the-trenches bit-eating, but it still has some real working code.
Also, I really miss Jolt Cola, like a detoxing junkie misses a needle.
Python 3.7
- Python 3.7 released: Standard checklist:
- Run installer
- Delete the old 3.6 folder from /Applications
- Run the certificate command in the new 3.7 folder (the other shits a PATH into my shell profile, don't need it)
- Run IDLE and verify it's 3.7.0. Happily, no longer have to fight with updating Tcl/Tk.
- Run "python3" from Terminal and verify it's 3.7.0
- Run a random Python script to make sure nothing's broken.
Nanosecond-accurate time functions and switching more ASCII/C Locale into UTF-8 are nice improvements, but those are more patching up legacy annoyances than "must have".
I'm mostly interested in dataclasses, which makes it much easier to build little struct-type objects instead of random dicts or lists which have all sorts of problems (no equality, hashing, typo-safety).
I greatly dislike the addition of BDSM typing, but it's mostly optional, EXCEPT you have to use them in dataclasses:
from dataclasses import dataclass
class Point:
x : float = 0.0
y : float = 0.0
>>> p = Point()
>>> p
Point(x=0.0, y=0.0)
>>> q = Point(1.1, 2.2)
>>> q
Point(x=1.1, y=2.2)
If I define Point without the type annoytations[my new favorite typo!], only the default constructor works, and it doesn't print the fields as a string.
class Pointless:
x = 0.0
y = 0.0
>>> f = Pointless()
>>> f
>>> f.x
>>> f.y
Real examples might be a lot more complex than a point, and by then the cost of building a proper class with __init__
and everything yourself isn't such a big deal, so I can see dataclasses mostly being used for very simple struct-like containers.
Whoops. Looked at the shitty birdsite. Here's some artistic renderings of that experience.
But yesterday, Twitter bought anti-abuse company, and immediately shut it down. Good job, Jack!
Cyberpunks or Just Punks?
It's not that I don't like Neuromancer, it might be in my top 10 favorite books (but more towards the bottom of that list), but every time I see it mentioned as the "seminal cyberpunk epic", I roll my eyes, because I know these people have never read another cyberpunk book, there were others before Neuromancer and long after.
So educate yourself, make yourself less eye-rolling to me. Here's a little tiny reading list. When you're done with that, hit the KUOI archive on the right, find my Cyberpunk page, work through that. Or maybe I'll pull it out of archive and update it by then? There's a lot in the last 10-15 years since I touched the page.
- Pat Cadigan: Synners, Mindplayers, and Tea from an Empty Cup — easily my favorite.
- Rudy Rucker: Software/Wetware/Freeware/Realware — free ebooks!
- Bruce Sterling: Schismatrix and Mirrorshades: The Cyberpunk Anthology — the latter is expensive and out of print, but get it if you can.
- John Shirley: Eclipse/A Song Called Youth — survival handbook for the 21st C.
- Bruce Bethke: Headcrash — the guy who invented the term "Cyberpunk".
- Neal Stephenson: Snow Crash and Diamond Age — a little campy/parody, but great books.
- Walter Jon Williams: Hardwired — creepy-ass post-human soldiers and assassins.
- Vernor Vinge: True Names and Other Dangers — origin of cyberspace.