Serial Experiments: Lain

You know how so much of anime has a naïve teenage protagonist with a lot of school drama, who gets powers, and saves the world? Well, Lain starts there and then veers wildly off, into Internet Protocols, simulationism, UFO/Gaea/psionics conjectures, secret societies, radical home computer upgrades, and not only doesn't save the world but there may never have been a world to save. There's also a lot of really great music; the OST and Cyberia mixes are big parts of my Coding Soundtracks playlist.

Diaspora* (footnote missing)

So I see some "joindiaspora" articles. I'm bored and no longer frequent some techbro-heavy forums like h4xx0r n00z. Sure, let's see how to read it.

The asterisk in the name is going to drive me crazy. It's apparently not a footnote. I constantly look for a footnote when I see* after a word. ??? has no register link, only a "Sign In". Ironically, you can join nothing from "joindiaspora". Going over to the diasporafoundation wiki (oh no), apparently there's "pod" servers? So it's like Fediverse but not connected? All the servers I click on just lead me to their Mastodon servers. I don't need another one. I gave up after 10 minutes.

After someone helpfully linked a more useful tutorial to me, apparently open servers do have a register link, so I searched some more, there are a few servers up and not on the far side of the world, so looks like my choices are and; I feel like "Friends Meet, Win!" is some kind of Amway or EST cult for Windows users, so I pick Bob's Pora (wasn't that an Italian car?). None of these have any useful information on their front page, no "about this instance", no personality, no server policies, just the default frame. Many Mastodon servers are like that, too, but they usually show something of interest on their /about. May regret this. I really dislike giving admins I don't know power over my posting (thus the recent unpleasantness with the wannabe-dragon-fucker).

OK, so now the usual profile setup. There's a fancy hashtag editing interface, that you will never see again. It's not on the profile. The way you add hashtags to follow in the front page is totally different.

There's six feeds chosen on a sidebar (which doesn't stay pinned to top, so it's a total pain in the ass to scroll down, then scroll back up to change):

  1. Stream: "posts made by your contacts; public posts made containing you follow; posts that @mention you; posts from the “Community spotlight,” if your pod has enabled this feature (see Part 7)." which seems entirely to be the pod's sysadmin for me.
  2. My Activity: Narcissus would be proud.
  3. @ Mentions: More me me me.
  4. My Aspects: Checklist of Family, Friends, Work, Acquaintances, which I suppose lets you post more "privately" but not really. Just like Facebook. 100% like Facebook.
  5. # Followed Tags: Something useful, and does show people off the current instance. I've immediately had to go block a bunch of spambots, because I couldn't see the Humans, if any, for all the bots.
  6. Public Activity: The public firehose. Or garden hose on trickle, anyway, I see a couple posts a minute, it's not like's public timeline which is very hard to stop and read.

Very very Facebook-like, really. I dunno what hashtags I need to follow to see more interesting technical or whatever conversations, guess I have to lurk Public until I see one, then add that? Ugh. I'd like it to find my fediverse or old twitter friends, but there's no obvious contact searcher. There's a Twitter connect, but it wants total account permissions in order to crosspost, which is insane.

Editing in it has Markdown, but no custom emoticons, and it's kind of annoying, again very Facebook-like.

Anyway, I'm for now, dunno if I'll hook up a crossposter or what.

PortalWorlds Progress

  • PortalWorlds 0.9 on

  • 2020-03-18:

    • Mob names
    • Boss monsters (only ones with a nametag, and much tougher than the rest of the level)
  • 2020-03-17:
    • Structures: circle tower, box tower, campsite
  • 2020-03-16:
    • All levels are solveable
    • Map indicates map name and row/column of player

Pop back over to or my Patreon if you want to support this!

What I'm Watching: Kingdom S2

After a brief flashback to the first use of the resurrection flower against the invading Japanese, S2 picks right back up with the zombies out in daylight, and a fantastic retreating battle, and heroic sacrifices winnowing the cast a bit.

There's more straightforward conflict this season, since we know who the villains are (anyone named Cho). A little of what they'd previously done fills in backstory, and desperate measures against the Japanese make sense, but not so much why they're still doing it; ambition, sure, but hitching yourself to the Queen's clan or using the plague as a weapon are not things sane people do.

A cop with an impressive feather hat tries to investigate the Queen, and gets further than I'd expect from feudal investigators, but politics makes that entire subplot pointless. She isn't especially cunning, her plots and tricks are very blunt and obvious, but nobody can call her on it, and her impossibly loyal guards and court ladies go along with it.

The Crown Prince does more swordfighting this season, though mostly it's hacking up zombies instead of duels. The "Tiger Hunter" peasant with a gun amuses me, and he finally gets one backstory flashback, but he's low on dialogue.

Nurse Seo-Bi in any other era would be a boss, with the most valuable medical/murder tool ever and the cure for the zombie plague, but in feudal Korea she's just pushed around as a pawn, and treats entirely the wrong person. Half the plot could be avoided if she just told the Crown Prince what she knows earlier, and doesn't help the villains.

By E3 & E4, I'm really missing the zombies; there's too much Human backstabbing and just chasing around the countryside which is zombie-free except at the surrounded fortress. And some of the death scenes last a very long time, many minutes of weeping and flashbacks.

Finally by E5, we get some zombie action again, but it's taken forever. Zombies vs guy in toilet is always a great set piece. The "camera following unseen action behind a wall" scenes get annoying quick; I prefer to see the combats.

"People aren't screaming. The screams have stopped."
"What's going on?"

The plan in E6 relies on zombies not being able to climb, which eventually they do, an ice lake breaking in a way that it doesn't (ice is bouyant, so breaking it in one place doesn't shatter the entire lake).

The "7 years later" setup for the next season is a little heavy on tell-not-showing, but we have a new villain teaser at least.

I did get bored mid-season. Zombies, ever since Night of the Living Dead, have existed to put pressure on people, and keep a plot advancing fast. Without the zombies, you just have people whining at each other, making too-elaborate plots, and they don't even have to stay in the house/castle. With zombies, you get desperation and quick, bad decisions in enclosed spaces.


How to Work from Home

I've been working from home for years, and I've got a whole process:

  1. It's fine to wear bathrobe (or pajamas) for a while. Naked people get very little done.
  2. Breakfast and coffee time can be extended by playing videogames, watching TV, or reading comics.
  3. Switch to your work environment. If you have a home office, go there; if not, use multiple desktops to at least not work on the same screen as your browser or chat windows. Select appropriate work music.
  4. Try to get at least one item from your task list done. It's OK to take the lowest-hours problem if you think you can knock it out.
  5. Time for a little reward slacking off.
  6. OK, now it's lunchtime. Now you may need to be professional and wear pants/dress/kilt after lunch, or before if you're ordering in or going out. However, unless you go outside there's no reason to change out of slippers.
  7. Spend too long staring at your task list, going "uuuuugh."
  8. Say "good enough for one day!", check in/archive work.
  9. Goofing off time. Possibly time for a nap before dinner.
  10. If you think about the project, and record some tasks, that counts as "working late" and you can take any reward you want.
  11. Whiskey time.

There's all kinds of sanctimonious blowhards who tell you how to "be productive", "wear pants", "always be shipping". Forget them, this is a realistic schedule you can live by.

PortalWorlds Progress

Doing some more work on the post-7DRL version of PortalWorlds, will publish this when judging's done.

  • 2020-03-13
    • Message history, toggle with H.
    • World counter.
    • Terrain smoothing.
    • Rivers.
  • 2020-03-16
    • Longer tutorial level (and first predefined map, may add more of these later).
    • Messages display on screen instead of HTML.
    • Increased view distance/window size. Should make this configurable for small screens.
    • Physical layout for on-screen keyboard.
    • Started on making all worlds solveable.
  • TODO: I have a longer list, but these are Real Soon Now.
    • Finish making worlds solveable.
    • Structures and level bosses.
    • Audio.

Quarantined Monday Music

Raveonettes for real rock 'n roll, some downbeat fuzzy pop, then something dumb and funny to cheer you back up.