Author: mdhughes
Anatomy of Frank Herbert
Truthfully, "God Emperor of Dune" is the best book in the series, but you have to read the second and third books to get to it. And they are… They are just the worst.
—Dave Kellett
This is completely true. We can theorize about how Chapterhouse: Dune or the final book might've been the best if Frank hadn't been dying, but certainly the abominations perpetrated by Kevin J. Anderson (worst writer in the world) and Frank's incompetent son Brian were not that.
But the Dune series isn't Frank Herbert's best work. I'd put at least Destination: Void, Whipping Star, Dosadi Experiment, Hellstrom's Hive, and Eyes of Heisenberg above it, both for scope of ideas, character development, and pacing.
Dune most of the time meanders aimlessly through the desert, eventually coming up with a memorable scene, and Dune Meshuggeneh (#2) and Super-Babies of Dune (#3) are the least interesting books Herbert ever wrote. The others are all far more tightly written.
His short story collections, mostly about the ConSentiency setting (I want a chairdog!), are fantastic. And for sequels, the Bill Ransom co-authored Jesus Incident, Lazarus Effect, Ascension Factor are good stories of Humans under a deranged AI that thinks it's a god: Good lessons for the coming times.
Julia String Concatenation
Last time, I was uncertain about string concatenation, so I did a test:
#!/usr/bin/env julia
const kTestText = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789\n"
const kLoops = 10000
function stringString()
s = ""
for i in 1:kLoops
s = "$s$kTestText"
return s
function bufferString()
sb = IOBuffer()
for i in 1:kLoops
print(sb, kTestText)
return String(take!(sb))
function vectorString()
sb = Vector()
for i in 1:kLoops
push!(sb, kTestText)
return join(sb, "")
function typedVectorString()
sb = Vector{AbstractString}()
for i in 1:kLoops
push!(sb, kTestText)
return join(sb, "")
println("*** stringString")
@timev stringString()
println("\n*** bufferString")
@timev bufferString()
println("\n*** vectorString")
@timev vectorString()
println("\n*** typedVectorString")
@timev typedVectorString()
*** stringString
1.100197 seconds (21.24 k allocations: 1.725 GiB, 15.94% gc time)
elapsed time (ns): 1100197167
gc time (ns): 175349222
bytes allocated: 1851904041
pool allocs: 11292
non-pool GC allocs:9950
GC pauses: 79
*** bufferString
0.006864 seconds (11.80 k allocations: 1.134 MiB)
elapsed time (ns): 6864042
bytes allocated: 1189493
pool allocs: 11794
non-pool GC allocs:3
realloc() calls: 8
*** vectorString
0.017380 seconds (26.68 k allocations: 2.191 MiB)
elapsed time (ns): 17380237
bytes allocated: 2297091
pool allocs: 26659
non-pool GC allocs:9
realloc() calls: 8
*** typedVectorString
0.031384 seconds (44.75 k allocations: 2.999 MiB, 10.00% gc time)
elapsed time (ns): 31384383
gc time (ns): 3137654
bytes allocated: 3144221
pool allocs: 44730
non-pool GC allocs:8
realloc() calls: 8
GC pauses: 1
Well, there's me told off. I expected #1 typedVector, #2 vector, #3 buffer, then stringString way at the bottom. Instead the first 3 are reversed.
IOBuffer, as ugly as it is, is the clear winner. Vector did OK, but twice as much CPU & RAM loses. Amusing that typedVector is twice as slow and memory-heavy as the untyped (explained ). On larger loops, buffer gets slower, but vector remains a memory pig, and in GC that's unacceptable. Of course stringString is terrible, and it's almost exactly the same for string(s, kTestText)
Time to rewrite some text processing.
Twitpocalypse Now
The big winners of this so far have been ActivityPub servers, especially Mastodon, and, where I've seen a lot of people finally jump out of the boiling pot (I was gonna say "frogs" instead of "people", but the whole right-wing frog avatar thing…). My handles are in that About page above you, if you want to follow.
If you're picking an ActivityPub instance, be aware that is a giant possibly-hostile mess like Twitter, and not really a "community" like many other instances. Pick a smaller instance, read the timeline on their instance's front page, and make a more informed choice. You can communicate with almost everyone in the Fediverse and see a similar Federated timeline from almost any instance, but the Local timeline will be different.
If you were on ADN, you can ask me for an invite. Pleroma is also interesting, and might be more to your taste.
Anyway, welcome to the free world, ex-twitterers!
Crow Wednesday Music
- Crow OST
- The Botanic Verses, by The March Violets
- Heavenly Bodies, by Gene Loves Jezebel
- Southern Death Cult: Not on iTunes, so here's a concert
- The Cult
This Wednesday thing can go hump itself. I'm doing nothing and you can't make me.
More Julia
Decided to take another day on Julia, write something more serious and see how that goes.
There's an uber-juno "IDE" plugin for Atom, which at least turns on syntax highlighting and puts an interactive console in the editor. Yay. It's not capable of linting yet, though it says it is.
So I'm rewriting a simple 1970s-style dungeon crawl game (Chorus:"As if you could make any other kind of game, Mark!" Mark:"I assure you I could, I just choose not to.") as a test of data structures and application programming in Julia. It's a little challenging, but not impossible.
Using Modules
The current directory is not included in the default LOAD_PATH, so you can't import local modules right off. One solution is to put it in your startup:
% mkdir -p ~/.julia/config
% echo '@everywhere push!(LOAD_PATH, pwd())' >>~/.julia/config/startup.jl
All names are in the same namespace. This means your module and a struct or method in it can't have the same names… My current solution has been to pluralize the module, so GridMaps contains a struct GridMap.
The export rules are a little annoying. If you use the @enum macro to make a ton of constants, they aren't exported when you export the enum type; you can either manually export each constant name, or just use ModuleName.ConstantName in other modules. Bleh.
Bug #1: The terminator problem is pretty bad in Julia:
% cat Foo.jl
module Foo
for i=1:10
#missing end
end #module
% julia Foo.jl
ERROR: LoadError: syntax: incomplete: "module" at /Users/mdh/Code/CodeJulia/Foo.jl:1 requires end
[1] include at ./boot.jl:317 [inlined]
[2] include_relative(::Module, ::String) at ./loading.jl:1038
[3] include(::Module, ::String) at ./sysimg.jl:29
[4] exec_options(::Base.JLOptions) at ./client.jl:229
[5] _start() at ./client.jl:421
in expression starting at /Users/mdh/Code/CodeJulia/Foo.jl:1
Good luck finding that missing end
if you have a 1000-line module. C used to be just as bad about semicolons and braces, but modern compilers are pretty good at guessing where you fucked up. Python's whitespace-as-control is brilliant, because you can't ever do that. A passable solution would be each control keyword having its own unique end keyword, but it's too late for that. In the actual bug, I had to comment out half the code, run the module, uncomment and comment the other half, repeat until I isolated it.
Bug #2: Type annotations need to be very generic or left off entirely. As code-as-documentation, I declare a function as parseLine(line::String), and it gives me:
MethodError(Main.Foo.parseLine, ("a",), 0x00000000000061bb)
Well, thanks. Turns out I need to use AbstractString, because a prior function returns an AbstractString and not String. Or I can just leave the typing off, as was my first instinct.
String Concatenation
This is super ugly. Currently I've fallen back on:
sb = Vector()
push!(sb, "part of ")
push!(sb, "a string")
return join(sb, "")
Strings aren't mutable, and there's no StringBuffer/NSMutableString equivalent. The other option is to use an IOBuffer. I haven't done timings yet to see which is faster/uses less memory, I just find pushing to a vector simpler.
There's no switch statement. I could put functions in a dictionary and dispatch on that, which is not ideal for looping over a bunch of simple values, and requires passing around control flags instead of a simple break or return. Caveman solution is a chain of if/elseif, but I don't like it. Possibly a macro could be written?
Turns out you can make binaries: Julia apps on the App Store: Building and distributing an application written in Julia
It's an ugly process, that Nathan's working around, but it's a start. This should 100% be in the core libraries, and should have a cross-compiler.
Getting this working is tomorrow's problem, I think.
Coffee. Coding Soundtracks. Atom started up. Hit it.
Zombie Sunday Music
- Astro-Creep 2000, by White Zombie
- La Sexorcisto, by White Zombie
- Screaming Down the Gravity Well, by Death Ride 69: A little light palate cleanser, and then:
- Previously: Monday Music, All Zombie Edition
Shitty Robots
- Beer robot
- Hammer robot: "I feel like this would be so much easier if I knew what I was doing!"
- Shitty Westworld robot
- Simone Giertz channel
I'm just laughing at the shitty robots, but there's some scary and then better news at the top of the channel.